One of my loyal readers sent me an interesting email back on March 22nd:
I’m emailing now to bring to your attention a current Twitter poll that I think you’ll be interested in. Much to my delight, WWE wrestler Ricochet recently switched his ring gear from long tights to much shorter (though still pretty full-cut) trunks. Well this morning he tweeted a poll asking his followers what they liked better, short trunks or long tights…
Who knows if he’ll actually change what he wears based on the poll, but I wanted him to see how much some of us appreciate his switch to trunks… I’m sharing this with you since you’re a fellow trunks-lover that might want your voice heard on this debate. I figured you might even be inclined to post something about it to mobilize voters, though the window is rapidly closing; the poll says it ends in 14 hours which would be around 10 am EST on Monday, March 23.
So anyway, my reader’s above email went into my Junk folder for some reason (curse you, Outlook — emails about dudes wresting in trunks are NEVER junk!!) By the time I found his email a few days later, the Twitter Poll was already over, so I didn’t get a chance to notify you guys, and you didn’t get to flood the ballot box. This was total Voter Suppression!
And the Poll results were definitely shocking and demoralizing:
Really, people on Twitter?? Are you THAT homo-phobic?! Or do you just think Ricochet’s tights are pretty and colorful? (Which they kind of are.)
Perhaps you just didn’t scroll down and see the great images and animations that my fellow trunks-lovers were Tweeting in response to the Poll showing Ricochet in amazingly skimpy trunks, including the following jaw-dropper:
Speaking of the Twitter comments, the majority of the respondents were very much in favor of TRUNKS of course! How did TIGHTS win when most every comment advocated for TRUNKS?! I guess trunks-lovers spoke up more in comments because they care more passionately about the issue, despite being far out-numbered (Or perhaps we should question the validity of the Poll. Did Ricochet perhaps WANT to wear tights because his legs get cold or something, so he faked this Poll??)
Anyway here are some of the responses sent by my fellow trunks-lovers:
I noticed that my fellow blogger from Beefcakes of Wrestling also clocked Richochet’s “Trunks or Tights” poll and wrote about it on March 26, also after the poll had closed. I guess we need to be faster to spring into action when we get opportunities like this, to mobilize our base so we can be sure the vote turns out the way we want it. I don’t think I need to tell you how I would’ve voted in the poll.
After the dust from the Trunks or Tights debate ended and Tights won by a landslide, my disappointed reader sent me a follow-up email on Tuesday March 24th:
Update! Not sure how closely you follow WWE’s televised programs, but it turns out that Ricochet appeared on Monday Night Raw yesterday, back in his long tights 🙁
Makes me wonder if he was genuinely using the Twitter poll to choose his gear. Fingers crossed that he’s still weighing his options and might still go back to trunks.
Sure enough, I checked out my recording of WWE Raw and Richochet appeared in a Tag Team bout — getting his ass kicked pretty bad by trunks-wearer, Garza Junior and his partner Andrade:
It’s ironic that Ricochet wrestled Garza Junior of all people while debating this existential decision about Tights or Trunks because Garza wears both, beginning in long pants, then tearing them off mid-match like a male stripper to surprise and titillate the audience, revealing his brightly-colored little speedo briefs underneath. It’s the moment I wait for in every Garza match — I wonder what color briefs he’s wearing today and how nicely they will show off his bulge and ass?? (I’m a bit of a pervert.)
Above is the spectacular reveal that Garza performed on Raw to totally out-shine the long-pantsed and injured Ricochet. Normally when Garza strips, the audience erupts in lusty shrieks (both in the arena and in my living room!) The effect was quite different in the empty gym where WWE now films their matches. It seemed very Underground — very Wrestle-porny without the big crowd. It reminded me of a BG East or W4H match actually.
Indeed, now that the arena is empty, what is essentially the difference between the nearly naked, sexually attractive studs who perform for the camera on WWE and the nearly naked, sexually attractive studs who perform for the camera on our gay wrestling websites?? As I pause the video to jerk off to Garza Junior, it strikes me that the line between mainstream wrestling and Underground wrestling has grown quite thin during these strange days. I guess they grunt and groan louder in the gay wrestle-porn videos, amIright?
My Trunks-loving reader who started this whole conversation also shared why he enjoys when a Tights-wearer wises up and switches to Trunks:
It always catches my attention when wrestlers switch the style of gear they wear, especially when they’re switching to trunks. In fact, I often notice that when guys go from tights (or something else) to trunks I find it even hotter than if they’ve been in trunks all along.There’s something really exciting about the reveal, like we’re getting to see something forbidden that had previously been hidden by their more conservative gear.
Truly, Ricochet needs to pay attention to his Twitter comments and take a lesson from Garza Junior who understands the appeal Trunks — the excitement of the forbidden fruit suddenly out there on the table. The better-dressed (i.e. less-dressed) man in the ring always catches our attention and interest. Do you think anybody was even looking at Ricochet after Garza took his pants off?!
Garza loves the attention his cock gets and embraces the gay stripper money-shot, inviting everyone male or female to look at it and we love him for that. If Ricochet wants to become more popular, or even wants me to write about him more often on this blog, he really needs to ditch the tights and be more like Garza Junior (who, by the way, dominated Ricochet after removing those constraining long pants…)