The bloody encounter between Cibernético and Hijo del Perro Aguayo continues, and hollllly shit, it’s getting savage now ladies and gentlemen. After being bitten and chewed on like a hoagie, Cibernético decides to take revenge and sinks his teeth into his enemy’s scalp. How does that feel, you evil bastard? You like that — how about a boot to the skull?!
The reason Mexican wrestling reminds me of old timey wrestling from the USA is the brutality factor. This is the sort of blood soaked violence and heartless aggression that was common in wrestling over 30 years ago. Good lordy, I LOOOVE this stuff — does that make me a weirdo for admitting it? You just want to cry for the bloody-faced victim and have the cruel attacker arrested.
Oh yeah, there are other wrestlers involved in this trios match — I was so focused on the sadistic face biters, I almost forgot.
Canek and Dr. Wagner Jr. enter the ring, and Canek commits the ultimate Cardinal Sin of Lucha Libre — ripping the other man’s mask off. Holy exposure, Batman — one of the heroes of Mexican wrestling has just been totally plundered and degraded! For a Luchador, being unmasked is akin to getting peed on, spit on, run over with a car, and fired all in one day.
And the good Doctor sells his shame and embarrassment, rolling around on the mat clutching his face in horror as if his life is in shambles — I fuckin LOVE it.
It appears the Bad Guys have won this time. Not only did they defeat the Good Doctor (and bloody the face of his friend), but they also stripped him, leaving him cringing at their feet as if they just raped him (and Villano IV looks like he wants to do it again.)
I like the victory pose above — one boot planted on the broken man’s body. Do these guys know how to give us a boner or what? The posing takes on a homo-erotic vibe when Canek inserts the other man’s mask in his mouth. It’s as if he wants to devour the other wrestler, to taste him, to get his lips on the man. The mask (soaked in sweat) represents the power and identity of the man who wears it, and Canek wants to get that inside him.
This is just the vibe that made classic style pro wrestling so exciting to watch. It was a little seedy and deranged, a little NSFW. The wrestlers were fleshy and masculine, and you could trust most of them to appear naked from the waist up. The Bad Guys were sadistic in a raunchy way, using their teeth on the Good Guys, ripping off parts of their clothing or maybe parts of their flesh and chewing it.
The Good Guys meanwhile were as pure and clean as the fallen snow, and the Bad Guys were such eye-gouging son of a bitches. Whether they won or lost, they knew how to get a reaction out of you, all the way down in your gut — or all the way down in your crotch.