Back on February 7th, my fellow wrestling blogger WR Screencaps posted the above image in his “Down and Out #20” gallery (which is basically a collection of dozing, unconscious studs much like my old Suffering Sunday galleries). I saw the above image of a sleeping beauty and fell immediately in lust.
I asked myself “Who is THAT?“, “Did he actually wrestle in that skimpy bikini?? “, and “Where can I see more of him?!?” WR Screencaps had reviewed the match (which is Custom Video #79 from Thunders Arena) in his “Cap vs. Cason” article back in March 2019. That article led me to more great images from the same match in The Cave’s “Cason vs. Cap” article posted in February 2019. These articles whet my appetite and I knew I had to go download the video from Thunder’s Wrestling Videos to see it for myself…
The Cave blogger does a better job than I ever could explaining the story behind this match, including the pre-match phone call with a mysterious stranger where they plot Cason’s destruction. Definitely read the Cave article if you enjoy knowing the back-story behind your wrestle-porn.
Big, powerful Cason dominates Cap at first, but suddenly the lights go out for a while (the work of the Unknown Caller?) and when they come back on, my Cason is somehow locked in Cap’s Sleeper Hold!
I stole the title for this article, “Power Failure,” from The Cave’s awesome article describing this match where he wrote:
Then it happens.
Power failure.
And there’s a double meaning to that expression in this video. The lights fail for 30 seconds then Cason’s mighty muscles fail for another 12 minutes.
These stunning images of Cason asleep on the mat (which first drew me to this match) are plentiful in the video. We are given multiple money shots of Cason on display in his skimpy tie-dyed bikini. Whoever commissioned this Custom video must really get off on Muscle-Jobber-Down-And-Out imagery.
I appreciate Thunder’s Arena for setting up a storyline that explains why these foes want to tear each other apart. This on-going rivalry is sustained across multiple videos, like a classic pro wrestling feud that lingers for months with the homo-erotic passion, intensity, and nastiness building from week to week. I think all of the Underground Wrestling producers could do more with long-running tales of betrayal, Bromance, rivalry and revenge.
Cason is 6’1″ and 230 pounds. Cap has a fantastic body no doubt, but he is only 5’9″ and 175 pounds. In a fair fight, Cason would likely dominate, as he did in an earlier Thunders video, Mat Wars #92 when he humiliated Cap by ordering him to kiss his flexed muscle:
The beauty of Custom Videos in the Underground wrestling market is that fantasies can come true and anything can happen. If you get off on seeing the big bully endure a comeuppance, you can order it. If you want to see the smaller guy utterly waste the larger stud after a power outage, that’s your choice as the paying customer and the studs will make it happen for you.
Maybe some Cap lover saw the one-sided destruction and degrading Bicep Kiss in Mat Wars #92 and couldn’t stand it, so he saved up his money and paid to see the tables turned. Or more likely, the guy who commissioned this video has a boner for Cason and prefers seeing his Favorite Guy take a whipping like many of us do. The Cave’s article described it like this:
“Guys love to use their money to bring down the big boys at the hands of the little guys. And so, when a Cason fan plunks down his hard-earned money to see him take a dive, it’s a perfect scenario to give Cap his revenge on his bigger alpha male bro Cason.”
This loss of power and agency by the Muscle Jobber, this willing subservience by a proud Alpha Male, is a sexually charged scenario. The stud might have a masochistic kink because he willingly lowers himself and lets another man dominate and control him for money.
I wonder if the buyer who commissioned this video had to pay extra to see Cason degrade himself by kissing Cap’s bicep. It’s the perfect revenge, captured nicely on video for the buyer’s viewing pleasure:
The same is true in pro wrestling where the bookers get to see their wishes play out in the ring. (In that sense, every match is a Custom match for the bookers.) If they order some big veteran Heavyweight Champ to lie down and accept defeat from a little rookie, well the man must obey. This is a turn-on for me and part of the reason I love pro wrestling. Not only is the character in the ring seen losing and suffering, but the IRL athlete who portrays that character also must do as he is told and obey his powerful bosses, humiliating himself on command.
This actually happened to Roman Reigns (who is 6’3″ and 284 pounds) when he was crushed underfoot and pinned by rookie Finn Balor (who is 5’11” and only 178 pounds.) What happened Big Guy? You came off looking like a wimp…
I’m not sure how much the buyer had to pay Thunders to make Custom Video #79, but Cason certainly earned his money, letting little Cap own him repeatedly after the power outage. Cason spends much of the match flat on his back looking like a wimp (but a spectacular wimp), much like Roman Reigns after little Finn Balor crushed him.