Italian Stallions

This match between two fellow Italians — pretty Paul Roma and Sal Bellomo — took place at Madison Square Garden 2/23/87.  You can check it out on YouTube.  Both men are of Italian descent, so the story of this match is not based on their race or ethnicity.  Instead, the contrast between the wrestlers is derived by their physiques, with muscle-man Roma proudly showing off his shirtless body, while Bellomo covers himself from head to toe in a black bodysuit.  The match plays around with male domination and our expectations of which man ought to be the “Alpha” based upon their relative physical conditions.

Roma is like one of those “Juicehead Guidos” on Jersey Shore, pumped and brawny and always eager to display his muscles.  Clearly he is dedicated to G.T.L. in order to build and maintain that incredible body!  Bellomo, on the other hand, looks like the fat Wise-Guy type of Italian, like a Tony Soprano.  Obviously, he eats too much and drinks too much, a total glutton.  He is lazy and sloppy, and we expect that he gets ahead in life by taking short-cuts.

Although he is the less spectacular male, Bellomo flips the script and asserts his domination anyway, for example by wearing a large white stallion on his back — the “Stallion” a symbol of masculinity, or perhaps emblematic of a big, active cock.  He also repeatedly flexes his biceps in a showy display of male strength.  This is a humiliation for Roma, to be forced into the bitch role by a more aggressive, more arrogant (but less powerful) male.  Bellomo tries to steal the Alpha Male position using trickery and play-acting rather than by earning the power through hard work and dedication.

Roma’s huge arms clearly demonstrate how much stronger he is compared to the chubby clown in the ridiculous black outfit.  However, Bellomo uses dirty tactics — pulling hair to gain control over Roma.  Ironically, Bellomo fights like a sissy to assert his dominance.  Clearly his power is not true masculine strength such as Roma possesses, but is a sham — a female trick to seize control through trickery instead of muscle.

With Bellomo’s body covered by a layer of clothing, Roma appears even more naked and more spectacular in contrast.  Our male gaze settles by default on Roma’s body because Bellomo has hidden his  flesh from view.  Being the recipient of the male gaze — the object, or the one being looked at and judged — further emasculates Roma in our minds.  He is forced into the traditional role of the female because he is the one that we (male) viewers are gawking at.  And wearing red trunks (as opposed to the black costume worn by Bellomo) invites the male gaze even more.  Psychologists have studied how the colors we see influence our emotions:

“Red is a very strong color… It’s a hot color that evokes a powerful emotion of passion, lust, sex, energy, blood and war. Red is a good color to use for accents that need to take notice over other colors. Red is often used in flags for nations, as it is a symbol of pride and strength. It is also a sporty color that many car manufactures choose to showcase their signature vehicles.”  Clearly red is a great color for Roma: it conveys passion, sex, strength, and it showcases his impressive body.

Black is often a color used to portray something evil, depressing, scary or even death in western civilization.  It has negative imagery with it.. Black is also a very powerful color that also portrays one of class elegance and wealth… Black combined with other colors can have a very strong statement.”  It is therefore no coincidence that Bellomo chose to wear all black (except for his his bright white trunks that highlight his groin area — his masculine sexual potential.)

In an earlier article when Roma fought a big, ugly Russian,  we discussed how Roma (as Baby-face) would portray the sapping of his strength, his power draining out of him like gasoline leaking from a car’s engine.  He uses the same antics in this match to further emasculate himself.

His body, formerly so stiff and hard, is now limp and bendy — as floppy as a dog’s ear.  He is symbolically losing his “erection” while Bellomo looms over him, proudly upright like a stiff man.  Performing these humiliating actions in little red panties further weakens Roma in our eyes — places him into the sissy or impotent role.

Bellomo further establishes his male dominance by standing with his crotch near Roma’s face — as if forcing Roma into a suggestive and submissive act.  Bellomo is like a big, fat sexual predator, using his superior weight to get what he wants from his victims.

When Roma collapses on the ropes, Bellomo mounts him from behind, again implying that he is taking advantage of Roma’s helplessness for his own sick pleasure.

You can view Part 1 and Part 2 of this match — which basically tells the story of Roma’s loss then re-gaining of masculinity, dominance, and authority — on YouTube.

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