I like little guys who try to act tough. They’re so damn cute, holding back their arms to puff out their chest, their head tilted back as they stare up at you, like an aggressive puppy defending it’s chew toy or something. You don’t know whether to punch out the little guy or give him a big hug and muss up his hair.
One nice thing about pro wrestling is that size doesn’t matter. The little stud can often overwhelm a bigger brute — especially if he’s more cocky, more appealing, more famous, or more favored by the promoters.
One of the most entertaining Little Big Men in recent years has been Indy wrestler Jimmy Jacobs. At 5 foot 7 inches, 169 pounds, even I could probably kick his ass. He also rocks a feminine vibe, wearing plenty of eye make-up, jewelry, and hair dye. This sissy-boy’s lack of masculine power makes his squash jobs — when he gains the psychological edge and dusts some larger opponent — that much more degrading for the larger opponent. And the fans love Jimmy so much, they often put their homo-phobic antics aside and cheer for the flirtatious little nancy-boy.
Here are some images showing how little Jimmy Jacobs gets inside the larger guy’s head, assumes control, and dominates the bigger man (Chuck Taylor in the blue tights). It looks downright homo-erotic.