Yesterday posted a Tag Team video featuring these two Heels whom I’ve nick-named the “Torture Twins.” Of course I downloaded the video immediately — I always love when one of the Underground producers delivers Tag Team action.
To my delight, there have been many Tag Team matches popping up in the Wrestle-Porn space lately. Maybe they are responding to all my begging and pleading on this Blog for more 2-on-2 action. The squeaky wheel is getting greased at last!
In their description of this match, 88 Wrestling teases me with the prospect of even more Tag Team action coming soon:
“The punisher (Ethan) is in the market for a tag team partner, especially after hearing a rumor going around that 88W might be crowning tag team champions at some point in the future.” Nice!
Tanner and Matt are the hunky whipping boys in thin boxer briefs who will endure the Torture Twins’ abuse.
Tanner falls quickly into jobber mode and he is great at it! Look how he pastes his arms to the top rope so Ethan can work over those hard abs.
The ring general then whips his jobber into the ropes, then destroys him with a big Belly Kick. Ethan sure knows how to hurt a guy in the ring!
I am here for the Torture Twins’ repeated old school Splitz attacks! They yank poor Tanner’s legs apart to ruin his crotch. It’s cruel looking, it’s illegal, it’s sexually suggestive — it’s everything I love about rasslin.
The match is crafted to hit on all my favorite Tag Team wrestling tropes and turn-ons: double-teaming, several Sleepers and other classic holds, trash talk between the teams, a matching uniform on the Heels, isolation of the Face-in-Peril, etc. Kudos to 88 Wrestling for “getting” the erotic aspects of Tag Team wrestling and generously dishing them out to us. I hope they weren’t just teasing about an upcoming tournament!
Next, new-comer Matt trades places with Tanner and takes his turn as Face-in-Peril, suffering all sorts of wonderful abuse inflicted by the Torture Twins.
Here they implement a picture-perfect Double Suplex which Matt sells beautifully.
I normally prefer pro-style trunks on my wrestlers, but Ethan has adopted black tights as his trademark look and I think it works well for him. His pale, lean torso is just made to wear black tights. Shirtless-in-black-pants is a very sexy look, guaranteed to bone me up. Having his new partner also wearing shiny black tights (perhaps one of Ethan’s used garments?) adds a homo-erotic tone to their relationship — as if they dig each other so much, they want to dress alike. And the tall red socks are just frosting on the beefcake — great job, whoever thought to dress all four guys in knee-socks!
I like what Ethan does here. He massages his jobber’s shoulders as if to say: “Aww, are you OK?” Then he clamps on a Sleeper. What a dick-head move!
I always get triggered when I see an act of compassion or intimacy by a smarmy Heel followed immediately by some rough abuse.
The Good Guys eventually resort to cheating as well, to earn some moments of dominance. For example, check out their dirty double-teaming on Ethan in the animation below. Tanner calls out to Jake: “Your twin is gettin’ his ass kicked over here now!” which is where I got the idea to call Ethan and Jake the “Torture Twins.”
But the double-teaming I enjoy the best is the bullshit employed by the Heels in black.
And let me give a nod to the excellent directing, cinematography, and editing that make 88 Wrestling videos artistically compelling.
They aren’t afraid to frequently cut a scene to pose or re-position the athletes or the camera.
It must be a pains-taking process to create these videos, but the pay-off is in the cool camera angles and compelling, well-structured images. 88W always puts out a very professional and well-made product.
Where 88W sometimes drops the ball is the quality and authenticity of the wrestling action.
But that’s not an issue for this Jake Mason guy! Check him out, dropping these old-school Elbows and Legs! Jake does fantastic work!
Where did this Jake Mason come from, and who trained him? I don’t think I’ve blogged about him before, but he really impressed me with his classic Pro Wrestling abilities in this match. And just look at that petulant scowl on his face — what a Heel!
We get the sense that Ethan is teaching partner Jake how to wrestle pro-style. Ethan shouts frequent instructions to his young trainee during the match: “Break his arm!”, “Grab his leg!” — that sort of thing.
Ethan uses a hip-lifting Figure 4 Leglock on Tanner to win the First Fall in this Best-of-Three bout. The muscle-stud has been utterly humbled! Will he survive the next fall??
I’ll let you order the video to see what happens after this and who wins in the end (and how they do it).
Feeling their oats, Ethan and Jake humiliate their defeated foes. They do everything right: a foot on each loser’s chest, flexing biceps, some little bitch-slaps to emphasize their dominance. It’s just beautiful.
As usual, I’m very satisfied with this underground production of Tag Team wrestling. Ethan and Jake are a fun and talented team — I hope they stick together and kick everyone’s ass in the upcoming tournament that 88W will hopefully gift us with.