My Own Tumblr Takedown

So I was in my Tumblr account, seeing which of my favorite sites survived the Takedown of 2018, when I noticed an alert at the top of my page:

You have posts that contain adult content which violate our Community Guidelines.”

Really?  This was a surprise to me — I don’t recall ever posting to Tumblr.  So I clicked the “Review” button and found these 9 images, which are definitely mine (I recognize my captions) sitting in Tumblr jail.

These seem to be long lost photos from an old Suffering Sunday article given that all 9 of these lads are suffering.

So I searched my Suffering Sunday archives and discovered that these same 9 images were posted to this blog on Sunday, 3/31/2013.  Now that I think about it, I recall that I was exploring at one time whether I ought to switch this Blog to a Tumblr site to make it easier on me to just upload and go.

Have you ever wished that you died and were reborn as a wrestling mat?

So I must’ve done a test upload of these 9 images to see how it would go.  Boy, I’m sure glad I didn’t make the switch or we would’ve lost a ton of great stuff in the Takedown!

So I decided to re-post the 9 images here, even though I make it a rule not to re-blog material you’ve already seen, so I could sort of thumb my nose at Tumblr.

Plus I want to give you a sense of what they are flagging as inappropriate.  All 9 of these benign, non-sexual images.  Really?  This shows what happens when you let an Algorithm make decisions.

Most of these images depict a lone wrestler laying on the floor who happens to be shirtless.  You’re gonna call this “content that depicts sex acts”??   

While I admit that Alberto’s cock is pretty prominent in this image, I believe it’s photo-shopped anyway — not his real cock.  So where is the sexual content, Tumblr Algorithm?   Huh?  Huh?  Where?


So to my fellow Tumblrs out there, I can feel your pain.  I was a victim of the Algorithm myself.  Every image I’ve ever posted to Tumblr (all 9 of them) was flagged as “a violation of the Community Guidelines” and I feel shame.

Based on my experience, where even these plainly SFW images are being blocked as NSFW, I can only imagine what hell the Tenacious Tumblrs are going through to keep their sites up and running and their rasslin’ images available for our enjoyment.  Hang in there boys, I appreciate you.




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