Evening the Score

You may recall a rare Tag Team treat from the 88 Wrestling website which I blogged about back on 12/13/18.  Basically Tanner and his partner Chase bullied the rookie in bulging red trunks  Brock Hartman, for most of the match.

They ended up hand-cuffing Brock’s partner Dash in the far corner, which enabled these two gorgeous Heels to utterly brutalize the out-numbered rookie Two on One.  It was spectacular — just what I love in a Tag Team match.


And now 88 Wrestling has posted a follow-up to that epic Tag Team battle.  Brock wanted revenge for that degrading Two-on-One beating, so he challenged Tanner to a one-on-one bout.  Per the website description:

When he (Tanner) found out he was scheduled for a singles match against Brock, he couldn’t have been happier. He is so looking forward to put another beating on the rookie titan, just like he did in their tag team match.”  That’s hot.

Tanner inflicts this beautiful Body Scissor at the start of the match (which almost did me in right there.)   I got off on looking at his white boots interlocked together.  He flexes his bicep to punctuate his awesomeness, forcing Brock to watch and worship.

The excitement takes off for me when Brock’s partner, Dash, enters the picture.  They have AMBUSHED my poor Tanner — I love it!  They tempted into agreeing to wrestle Brock just so Dash could sneak in to Double Team him!

BTW, my fellow blogger, Ringside at Skull Island, has also reviewed this match with his usual insight and great descriptive writing.  Check it out.

The cheaters proceed to unload all sorts of classic Tag Team abuse on Tanner, giving him the old Over-the-Knee Backbreaker, a nice Double Clothesline, and tons of Hold-Him-Slug-Him action.  They exact a full measure of revenge for what Tanner and Chase had done to poor Brock the last time they met.  This is so fucking unfair for poor Tanner, to be trapped and out-numbered like this!

In between their brutal Double-Team assaults, while Tanner is moaning down on the floor, Brock and Dash give us lots of Bicep Poses.

This posing is a pay-back for when Chase and Tanner stood over Brock and flexed their guns to assert their dominance.  To me, it’s a big turn-on for these cocky thugs to act so dominant when they only gained the upper hand by cheating.

Poor Tanner — where is your partner Chase to help you fight back?

The Ringside blogger predicts that 88 Wrestling is building a feud here, that we “haven’t seen the last of this one.”  God I hope he’s right, that we’ll see further sneak attacks and One-Up-Manship between these bitter rivals.  Feuds and grudge matches make wrestling matches 10 times hotter.

The Underground wrestle-porn sites really should present more long narratives — extended story-lines dramatizing all the passion, revenge, betrayal, and contempt between the guys, like good televised pro wrestling does.  The long feuds make pro wrestling more exciting to watch and add a homo-erotic tension — as if the guys are in love and hate relationships.  I bet they’d sell more downloads too as we all would crave finding out what happened next in the series.

One of the hottest moments was when the bullies trap Tanner in the ropes and Brock snatches his hair, asking him (in that deep voice), “Are we in control?”   Yank, yank yank.

Brock really shines as the mean bully in this match by the way.  He’s a natural dominating mofo Alpha Male.  He comes off as the mastermind behind this ambush, with Dash serving as his big obedient henchman.

Tanner portrays the ragdoll wonderfully, letting these red-trunked brutes just have their way with his ripped bod.

Here is how Brock finished off his erstwhile tormentor, breaking Tanner across his shoulders, then dumping him roughly as if he gives zero fucks if he hurts the poor guy.  Tanner is forced to submit.  It is a great way to end it.  Tanner got owned.

So is that all you got, Tanner?  Are you gonna bring back your boy Chase and fight back against these dirty thugs?   Or are you just going to surrender to them and admit that they own you and dominate you?


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