“A Keen Eye for Homo-erotic Moments”

You might recall back in November that I wrote about another fetish blogger named “Mitchmen” who drew this awesome pencil sketch seen to the left.  Mitch writes occasionally about wrestling, but his blog is primarily focused on “male bondage, domination, and spanking.”

Anyway, back in November, I sent him some photos from old pro wrestling magazines and asked him to critique them from an artist’s perspective, which he generously agreed to do.  I felt this was a nice collaboration between our blogs, built right on the spot where our personal fetishes happen to intersect.

Well yesterday, he took our Tag Team partnership a step further by writing up a positive, flattering, and supportive review of this blog which I greatly appreciate.  If anybody reading this is a visitor from the Mitchmen blog: Welcome to the Arsenal!

Here is how Mitch described this conversation between partners from an image I posted a while back: “We’re used to seeing sportsmen embracing and kissing on the field, but the suggestion of a furtively snatched kiss in this image goes one better in some ways, because it’s not typical of this bare-skin sport. This picture has captured a swirling sense of intimacy between the two scantily-clad and tough-looking boys.”

Mitch pasted a handful of images from my Blog archive into his article to help explain this blog to his readers.  Given his artistic talents, I shouldn’t be surprised that he managed to pull out some of my favorite images, including this old one of a ref checking out Alex Wright’s bulge.  Nice selections, pardner!

He even praised this blogger’s “keen eye for homo-erotic moments” in wrestling matches (but to be honest, it’s not my eye, but another body part, that most informs my screen captures when I’m watching a hot match.)

Anyway, I don’t want to bore you by re-hashing Mitch’s entire article here when you can just go read it for yourself.  And if you enjoy Mitch’s writing, why not Follow his blog and check out more of his extremely accurate observations?!


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