Have you noticed that the Wrestler4Hire website has been KILLIN IT lately with his recent pro wrestling style videos?! KILLIN IT, I tell you! Amazing looking wrestlers, tons of authentic old-school holds, fantastic pro-style gear, hot suffering — I’ve been a very satisfied customer. Check out this technique of revealing the wrestler’s body slowly, from knee to face, letting us savor his physique while making us wait in anticipation to view the face…
I’ve been meaning to blog about this Ronnie Pearl vs. Ace Owens match for weeks, but it’s hard to capture images and write an article when I can only get through about 5 minutes before I need to stop, catch my breath, and go take a break.
I will sing my praises of the buff and bearded Ronnie Pearl later, so let me start with beautiful Ace Owens in his golden trunks and clean white boots. Damn, this “knock-out” is just as pretty as one of the boyfriends-to-be in a Hallmark Channel holiday movie.
And that long moppy hair, just begging to be pulled. O beautiful Baby-Face, do you even know how doomed you really are?!
Ace Owens wore a golden cape to the ring (more wrestlers should wear capes!) which makes him look like the arrogant young crown prince in a Gladiator movie — the sadistic brat who needs to be taken down a peg.
The cape is soon discarded, but I wish they would’ve done more with it, perhaps strangling the Golden Boy or binding his wrists with it.
If Ace is portraying the spoiled heir-to-the-throne, then Ronnie Pearl is the veteran Gladiator brought in to teach the prince to wrestle. Ronnie is ruggedly handsome with that beard, and he clearly knows how to grapple.
Then he starts showing off his burgundy trunks, positioning them for the camera, straining his glutes and spreading his legs. If I wasn’t obsessed with Pearl already from his manly looks and muscular build, then his look-at-my-dick body positioning seals the deal. Am I now going to have to locate and download every match that Pearl has ever been in?!
Several of my fellow Bloggers have also written up this match, proving that this match is definitely blog-worthy, and that my fellow bloggers have great taste. Some of the still images you are seeing in this gallery were swiped from theirs. Why re-invent the wheel: we tend to notice and capture the same hot moments anyway?
Ringside at Skull Island posted his review, “Laid Out Flat” on 11/16/18. He describes Ace and Ronnie as being “among the present generation’s finest heels and faces.” (Agreed!) He mentions the hair-pulling and Ace’s “gold-plated balls.” He also notes that Ronnie’s meticulously trimmed beard reminds him of he-man from a sword-and-sandal film, which is probably what inspired my gladiator comments above.
The “W.R. Screencaps blog” wrote about Ace Owens vs. Ronnie Pearl on November 18, 2018 and provided a bunch of hot images. I agree with his assessment that both guys played their roles very well in this match, and that Ace has never looked better!
Overall, the match offers the look-and-feel of good old pro wrestling: the presence of a ref, the pro style trunks and boots (except for Ace’s trunks, which are more Go Go Dancer, but that’s fine with me), some classic gimmickry like a Test of Strength and Delayed Vertical Suplex.
And then the numerous fading away Sleeperholds — have I mentioned those yet? Jeezis the Sleepers are HAWT!
I wonder who trained Ronnie Pearl to wrestle. He is too damn skillful to have just picked it up the morning of his first match — he must’ve gone to classes and honed his craft on the Indy scene but I don’t recognize him from the many hours of pro wrestling matches I’ve viewed on YouTube. He is damn good though, trust me.
And Ronnie Pearl shines as the classic Dickhead Heel, reminding the ref to check Ace Owens for weapons (as if this pretty Golden Boy would ever think to cheat), and ordering the ref to wake Ace up each time he (Ronnie) puts the jobber to sleep, which happens about three to five times — all of them amazing.
What great acting by Ace, letting his face and body go slack as he fades away (unless he is legit falling asleep, in which case, all the credit goes to Ronnie.)
Here is an example of Pearl’s fantastic Heel work that really tripped my trigger. He lingers behind Owens, then snatches that thick mane to position the jobber’s neck. Opening his arms wide, pausing for effect, Pearl slaps on a violent Front Facelock which he converts into a Sleeper. It is great dominance and control, a cool cat torturing his mouse.
No blog describing this match would be complete without mentioning the cool Octopus Ab Stretch hold that my Ronnie applied on Ace near the end of the match (see below). My fellow bloggers also included images of this move in their articles, here is how WR Screencaps very nicely described the scene: “Ronnie locked Ace in nasty looking submission hold, stretching Ace in four directions. Ace refused to give up, but the pain was too much and he passed out again.”
There, I did it! I finally made it entirely through this match after having to stop along the way about 6 or 7 times. It’s definitely a winner for me — I’m now a huge fan of Ronnie, of Ace, and of Ace’s golden trunks. And I already see ANOTHER match posted to W4H that I think is gonna be a winner.