Confession #10: Fracture Rapture

Today’s confession is hot and it touches on some familiar territory for me: a specific hold and a brutal scenario that I’ve also fantasized about.  Yes, the guy giving this confession goes further down the obsession rabbit-hole than I do, but I understand the erotic appeal and can see where he is coming from.  That’s what makes these confessions so interesting and relatable, and fun to read.  Here is what he wrote to me:

“I love your wrestling blog!  And I find the recent confessions you posted lately particularly interesting!  I love knowing there are other wrestling freaks (I mean that in a nice way!) like me out there! 

I am obsessed with wrestling in general! But there are two main themes in wrestling that never fail to give me a raging hard on.   First: I love Two Vs. One scenarios!  (Or any sort of handicap match really, where the poor jobber gets utterly destroyed by a sadistic tag team)…

“And second (and this is probably my favorite), I love it when a wrestler is INJURED! 

I particularly like seeing a good looking wrestler with a broken leg (just typing that is making me hard!) 

Sure, I also like seeing a relentless Heel targeting an opponent with a broken arm or back, but there is something so deliciously sadistic about punishing a helpless opponent with an injured leg!


“…  I mean, the dude can’t even stand, so how can he be expected to fight?!  I enjoy seeing a sexy jobber’s broken leg get destroyed!

I relish seeing that injured leg get battered on the canvas or get slammed against the unforgiving ring post! then finished off with a tight Figure 4 or some other devastating submission hold! …

“… I first became aware of this particular kink when I was a kid back in the 90’s.  I got the most glorious of erections as I watched Jeff Jarrett destroy Razor Ramon’s injured leg (which was attacked by Jarrett’s partner).

My other favorite matches are: Randy Orton Vs Triple H from Unforgiven 2004

“… Also Randy Orton Vs Wade Barrett (his leg was already injured by a sneak attack before the match even began!) and then he also had to face the Miz. Both Barrett and Miz relentlessly targeted his injured leg! 

And a ton of other similar matches.   I literally spent hours just watching these wrestling leg punishment videos…”


“… When watching wrestling, I (almost always) identify more with the Heel.  I get hard just imagining myself punishing a jobber’s injured leg or putting him in a tight Figure 4.

I used to play-wrestle with my cousins when we were kids up to our early teens and I always attacked their legs and put them in painful leg holds that I saw on WWF!  Haha!  Fun times! …

“… I am so obsessed with this specific wrestling scenario that I even find it (unintentionally?) creeping into my personal sex life.  Some of my previous  partners would be weirded out as I kept on putting them in Figure 4s or some kind of wrestling leg hold during foreplay.  

Flair’s Figure 4 Leglock obsession inspired thousands of young wrestling jerk-offs.

“… But I sense that none of them were really 100% into it.  I even felt like most of them thought it was weird.  Can’t blame them.

I would gladly marry (or at least make my wrestling slave, haha!) the jobber bitch who can moan loudly when I Figure 4 him and convincingly sell a leg injury!!…”

“… This might not be too related to actual wrestling but I also remembered a time when one of my athletic buddies (whom I am low key attracted to) had a leg injury from basketball.  I could’ve cum on the spot just seeing him with his leg brace and crutches!  I had a hard (pun?) time concealing my boner when I first saw him like that! 

I immediately imagined that he got the injury from a brutal wrestling match!  And I would fantasize a scenario where he would be forced to wrestle me with that injury — Leg brace and all!  Yum! …


Is he jackin off or applying the pressure??

“… I hope that wasn’t too weird for you. I am a huge fan of your wrestling blog and I thought if there is a dude who would understand my kinks it would be you!”

Yes.  I understand for sure.








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