Indian Uprising, 1 of 2

BerforeAfterJinder Mahal has undergone an impressive transformation in recent months.  His body is Swole A.F. now, and vascular, veiny and ripped.  He also wears much more body oil, his bronze physique glowing under the bright lights.

His is also playing up his Foreign Invader persona, wearing a turban to stir up xenophobic feelings in the white audience.  Note his darker skin tone, thicker beard, and permanent scowl as if we ugly Americans are repugnant to him.

This is a modern twist on the old Evil Sheik gimmick, forcing the audience to face it’s fear of (and fascination with) the foreign, the dangerous, the possibly superior race.

Please don't Camel Clutch anyone now -- you'll break them in half!

Please don’t Camel Clutch anyone now — you’ll break them in half!

I haven’t blogged about Jinder lately, but I was heavily into him a few years ago when he was Camel Clutching everybody and trying to break their backs.

For example, I blogged about Jinder giving forced spinal adjustments to Ryback, Bo Dallas (held an extra long time), Seth Rollins, Derrick Bateman (with the Clutch re-applied again), jobber Percy Watson (refusal to release, then hold re-applied), and Jason Jordan (refusal to release).  I love a Camel Clutch addict!

randyJinder1Recently Jinder Mahal has joined forces with two fellow Indians — these cute Bollywood Boys with their button-down shirts and well-groomed beards.

Also known as the Singh Brothers, they serve as the Maharajah’s bodyguards, attacking his enemies upon command so he can stroll in later and finish the job.

As the champ, Randy Orton is targeted for assault.

As the champ, Randy Orton is targeted for assault.

Recently, Jinder and his henchmen set their sights on current champion, Randy Orton   In this dramatic scene, the Bollywood Boys fell upon Randy like a pack of hyenas tearing down an injured lion and stomping him like a rented mule.

The Clothed Male – Naked Male vibe is in play with the powerful men dressed identically in their crisp white shirts and black dress pants.

randyJinder3Randy has been taking significant beat-downs in recent months.  Did you see Brock Lesnar beat the fuck out of him and bloody his face at SummerSlam last August?!  It was brutal and Randy came off looking weak.

Now Randy is the plaything of this mid-card, NXT-grade Jinder Mahal.  Limp in Jinder’s grasp, he waits submissively to be slammed down.

randyJinder4To stir up those angry (and arousing) feelings of conquered xenophobia in the audience, the Indians often strike these iconic poses of victory over the white American hero.  The message to the audience:  Bow to your new Maharajah, you worthless rednecks.  Learn to enjoy being dominated.  The Maharajah is your new lord and master.


Another assault leaves Randy friendless, broken, and over-powered.

Another assault leaves Randy friendless, broken, and over-powered.

Here is another occasion where the Bollywood Boys in their fancy threads (one in emerald green) worked over a shirtless Randy Orton and beat him down under a rain of fists.

Some of you racist wrestling fans may be feeling frustrated by the repeated assaults by these Indians on the white stud.  But I, for one, am really enjoying these cruel scenes and hope to see Randy take a Bolly-Beating on every single WWE episode.

Randy is humiliated by this same killer move every week now.

Randy is humiliated by this same killer move every week now.

I believe they call Jinder’s finishing move (which he uses to waste Randy at will any time he wants) the Full Nelson Slam.  I feel it needs a sexier, more exotic name.

What about the Cobra Strike? The Indian Death Slam?  The Mahara-jam?  The R-K-T-F-O?

randyJinder6randyJinder9Their feud came to a head at the “Backlash” Pay Per View on 5/21/17 (available on WWE Network.)   Jinder and Randy would face off one last time to determine which man — which nation, which religion and race — will rule the world from now on.

Jinder strutted to the ring with an extra thick layer of glistening oil on his brown muscles — I’ll bet he commanded his two slaves to lube him up.

And damn, does Jinder look swole, masculine, and dangerous — our poor Randy is doomed!  If Randy does gain the advantage, the Singh brothers are here to fuck him up.


To Be Continued…

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