Hot For Teacher

mayerstrykerAfter being absent for several weeks, Matt Striker appeared in the opening contest on the 5/20/17 episode of West Coast Wrestling Connection.  He wore shiny metallic trunks (revealing as usual) and white boots, which went well with his new persona as a humble Baby-Face.

While apologizing to the audience for his dickish attitude in recent weeks, we hear a school fight-song and Mr. Striker’s handsome and fit young opponent, Dicky Mayer, enters the arena.  We know Dicky is a cheating Heel because he brought his sketchy (but very fuckin’ buff) wrestling coach along with him to help him cheat.

mayer-striker1mayer-striker2The commentators remind us that Mr. Striker is a former high school teacher and has been known to give lessons to his young opponents.  This gives this scene a Teacher vs. Student vibe (with the wrestling coach lurking nearby, perhaps jealous of Striker’s interaction with young Dicky.)

Mr. Teacher implements a School-Boy Pin.

Mr. Teacher implements a School-Boy Pin.

Striker schools his rookie opponent early in the match, squatting over his face and resting his nuts on the helpless young man’s chin.  Coach Flexo points at Striker’s big bulge, clearly eager to get involved himself.  I love how the Coach wears pro trunks, boots, and wrist-tape rather than some boring tracksuit.

Someone knew what opening clip would hold our interest in the show.

Someone knew what video clip would hold our interest through the entire show.

Speaking of Striker’s big bulge, I noticed that he/it now appears in the opening credits of the WCWC show.  Striker is wearing his orange lightning bolt trunks we saw in the April 22nd episode.  You can see much more of these hot trunks in my “Carefully Chosen Ring Attire” article.

(I swear the producers must be reading this blog — editing their opening credits based on my feedback!)


This student earns an A-Plus for Suffering.

This student earns an A-Plus for Suffering.

And let me get off Striker’s dick for a moment to praise Dicky.  What a looker with his hard body and moppy hair!  He’s a bit green, but DAMN — watch him sell this Chin Buster on the mat, bending back and flopping around like that new Yoga teacher at your gym who has the frumpy housewives lining up early for a spot in his class.

mayerstriker12After beating down young Dicky, Mr. Striker becomes annoyed with Coach Flexo’s repeated interference — e.g., grabbing at Striker’s boots, blowing a whistle in his face, climbing up on the ring apron to show off those snug blue trunks, etc.  My high school fantasies come true when the handsome Clark Kent science teacher gets physical with the gum-chewing, sweat-pants-scratching gym teacher.


Crushing their guts forces them to blow their whistles.

Crushing their guts forces them to blow their whistles.

The scene becomes very oral when Striker steals the coach’s whistle, gives it a blow, then presses it (still wet) between Dicky’s lips.  Then Striker forces another whistle into the Coach’s mouth, and jumps on their bellies to make them blow their whistles.

This is a whole new take on a Double Blow-job!

mayerstriker14I’m sure the scene is meant to be comical, but there is no denying the homo-erotic subtext.  All three men powerfully built and scantily clad.  Teacher and coach swapping spit with the stud(ent.)  Striker owning them and forcing them to blow for him.  The coach mimicking Striker’s big bulge by jamming a towel in his crotch.

mayerstriker15Maybe I read too much subtext into pro wrestling shows.  Maybe this scene wasn’t meant to be sexual at all.

But now I just noticed the Coach has his left arm raised and bent, his forearm pressed against Striker’s dominant manhood.  That’s just a coincidence too I guess, but I love watching pro wrestling anyway.

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