Unequal Partners

G&G1The YouTube channel known as Richard Land recently posted this classic early ’80’s Tag Team match featuring Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert in the roles of the handsome White Meat Heroes.  Their opponents are two hairy and beefy veterans — Eddie Carson and Johnny Rodz — the maulers whose roles are to harm the cute good guys enough to turn us on, then lose the match like good jobbers to make the Pretty Boys look even better.

G&G2G&G4Early in the bout, Johnny Rodz holds his own against Tony Garea, pulling hair and trunks (fuckin cheater) and bouncing the Fan Favorite off the ropes then meeting him with a big knee to the gut – I love that move!

The other Heel, Eddie Carson, is clearly the Weak Link on his team.  Check him out here, obediently waiting on his knees as the All American Good Guys trade places in the ring. We are made to understand that if Johnny Rodz were still in the ring, he would NOT be on his knees like a submissive jobber bitch.

G&G5A similar Daddy-Son vibe exists on the Good Guy team.  Tony Garea is clearly portrayed as the stronger stud — the Alpha Male of the partnership. His name always comes first — Garea & Gilbert — never vice versa.  The rookie, Eddie Gilbert, may have the more impressive physique, but he is clearly portrayed as Garea’s bitch.

For example, soon after Daddy Garea allows his young partner to tag in, we see the over-eager kid agree to participate in Carson’s Test of Strength.  Once the foolish kid’s hands are up, he suffers a stiff kick to that vulnerable mid-section — total rookie mistake!   Daddy Garea will need to rescue his young, dumb partner.


Don't worry kid -- Daddy will save you (yet again.)

Don’t worry kid — Daddy will save you (yet again.)

I enjoyed this little exchange as Bad Boy Carson prepares to wallop young Eddie.  But hark, the Great Garea  rushes to the rescue!  He tangles up Carson’s arms to expose his body so Eddie can slug him in the stomach.  Good thing for Gilbert that Garea is so clever and quick!

These power dynamics, first between the teams, and second, within each team, are what can make pro wrestling even more enjoyable to watch.  We get to fantasize about Garea perhaps bossing young Gilbert around, forcing him to carry his luggage or to lace up his boots.

And Gilbert must call Garea “sir” and obey everything his partner says or Garea could bury his career.  Poor Gilbert suffers both physical abuse in the ring, and psychological abuse from his own partner outside the ring, which is hot to think about.

G&G7After the match, Johnny Rodz attacks Gilbert and thumps him a few times.  Garea has to be the Real Man yet again and chase the thug away,  saving his boy — it’s pretty emasculating for Gilbert.  Then the two handsome hunks embrace — “Thanks for saving my ass back there, Mr. Garea.  They were really out to get me!

I always enjoy a good congrats hug.

I always enjoy a good shirtless congrats hug.

Even the ref knows that Mr. Garea comes first.

Even the ref knows that Mr. Garea comes first.

Even the raising of their arms for the victory pose signals Garea’s Alpha Male dominance over his partner.  The ref raises Daddy’s arm first, making Gilbert (who actually scored the pinfall and won the match) wait to be honored.  Gilbert may have the more spectacular physique, but he gets zero respect and is constantly down-trodden.  Fun match — many thanks to the uploader.


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