Give Me More STDs

STDphotoI recently stumbled upon this entertaining young Tag Team working in the Chicago Indy federations — the Super Tough Dudes or “S.T.D.s”.  (Get it?)

I’ve seen a few of their matches on YouTube and I can tell you:  they always wear all white gear, you know I dig that.  They’re buff and flirty (i.e., thumbs hooked in their waistbands), and they’re hot enough to wrestle for BG East.  So I’m their newest fan as of today.

Well-timed teamwork implies a very close bond.

Well-timed teamwork implies a very close bond.

One example of their hyper-sexual antics is the word “SLUT” written proudly across Storm Grayson’s ass.  His partner, meanwhile, has a phone number (for booty calls??) printed on the backside of his trunks.

Here they demonstrate they aren’t just pretty faces with a well coordinated Irish Whip into a Double Elbow.


Storm watches in growing frustration as his partner is out-muscled.

Storm watches in growing frustration as his partner is out-muscled.

The problem with working the White Meat Baby-Face gimmick — behaving forever wholesome and innocent — is that it can quickly become boring to any wrestling fan over the age of 12.

The STD’s spice up the old Dudley Do-Right trope with lewd talk and sexually explicit antics, putting a modern adult spin on the classic (boring) Good Guy gimmick.


Monix gets his bell rung, 2 on 1 style.

Monix gets his bell rung, 2 on 1 style.

The STDs also suffer and sell nicely from what I’ve seen of their matches.  They often endure great peril and all sorts of sexual harassment for the meaty middle part of their matches, followed by (often) a roaring and climactic comeback.

Here is Pat Monix in trouble, getting thrown around and Drop-Kicked in the face by two acrobats in long tights.

A couple of Curb Stomps shut them the fuck down.

A couple of Curb Stomps shut them the fuck down.

If you watch closely during this clip of Pat Monix taking his revenge, you’ll see him Curb Stomp first the dude in blue tights and then the dude in black tights.  Fuck year, Curb Stomper!  Then he flexes his bicep and pins Black Tights like a boss.  For a White Meat Baby-Face, he sure is a brutal fucker, another modern twist on the old Choirboy character.


Storm is pounding away in the corner, wrestling fans!

Storm is pounding away in the corner, wrestling fans!

Just having the word “SLUT” printed on his tights keeps that sexual innuendo in our thoughts as we watch Storm Grayson in action.

The STD’s Facebook page contains a still photograph of this prolonged Corner Pounding with the suggestive (and homo-erotic) caption:  “All aboard the Tea-Bag Express!”   (This ain’t your grand-dad’s rasslin’.)

STDdrawingHere is another interesting graphic from their Facebook page: a drawing of the Super Tough Dudes beneath pink letters, drawn in the style of Japanese Anime.

Their features are childlike and feminized, their genital region minimized.  They are, ironically, “Super Tough Dudes” who are as pretty and fragile looking as baby seals.  Like most good pro wrestlers, they titillate their fans by exploring alternative forms of masculinity.

whiteknightsTo avoid inciting Gay Panic in any hetero-sexual viewers in the audience, the STD’s mask the sexual tension with a veneer of humor.   Encouraging their fans to applaud, for example, is referred to as “spreading the clap.”

But the pink elephant is still standing in the center of the ring no matter how you try to cover it up with a giggle.  There is no avoiding the fact that these two young studs have got sex appeal (especially the raven-haired Storm Grayson — you should see him bust a dance move…).   Much of their appeal stems from their ability to get the (straight?) viewers all boned up, while acting goofy enough so we can laugh off any uncomfortable feelings.

You know you're sexy when you're in synch, right?

You know you’re sexy when you’re in synch, right?

So I like their look, I like their moves, I like their gear.  I like when pro wrestlers talk dirty to me.  So I have my eye on this team and will update you as their budding career takes bloom.

If you find any additional matches or photos of the STD’s, feel free to send them my way.


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