Suffering Sunday

bustedcrierI used to run a series on this blog known as Suffering Sunday — perhaps you recall it.

Every Sunday, I would post about 7 0r 8 images of a jobber selling his pain, just AFTER being slammed into a table, or Pile-driven on the floor, or kicked in the crotch.  You sadistic people loved this stuff — my traffic statistics would soar on Sundays.



Yes -- we will all think less of you as a man after this.

Yes — we will all think less of you as a man after this.

The series ran for years — 221 weekly galleries in all — and eventually it seemed as if I had posted damn near every suffering image there was.  Plus I was running out of snarky little comments to write under each image.

Well I was surfing around Social Media this week and noticed quite a few new images being shared that would make the cut for Suffering Sunday.

2jobboyssprawledouthelplesscorneredYou sick people must really get into these scenes of male helplessness and exhaustion, as popular and common as these images are on Social Media.

Soon I noticed that I had gathered enough of these new Suffering Sunday images to complete a gallery.  So I decided to do a One Time Only encore presentation.  Here is the 222nd episode of Suffering Sunday.  Enjoy!beggar


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