Happy Birthday! (And Many More…)

Ciampa does this to all his opponents -- but especially the cute one.

Ciampa does this to all his opponents — especially the cute ones.

One of my favorite Blogs — “He Is Out!” — turned two years old on 4/29/17.  And what a wonderful 24 months it’s been!  To quote one of the commenters:

Congrats on making it to two full years of gorgeous suffering studs!”   Here, here.


Do it, bitch! Kiss it, if you know what's good for you.

Do it, bitch! Kiss it, if you know what’s good for you.

To celebrate his Second Anniversary, He Is Out! posted some of his favorite images created for us over the past two years.  The kinky in-ring scenes posted here on my blog today, such as Magnus forced to kiss his lord’s boot, are images the blogger chose for this special occasion.

Do you realize you're no longer a Man when you did that?

Do you realize you’re no longer a Man when you did that?

God I hope we get AT LEAST two more years of these fantastic animations.  The creator of He Is Out! is so great at finding and capturing these special moments when the Hot Guys are humiliated, their egos laid to waste for our viewing pleasure.

If he can do THAT to you, he can literally do whatever he wants.

If he can do THAT to you, he can literally do whatever he wants.

Speaking of humiliating moments for the Hot Guy, here is a pretty-in-pink jobber having all his hair shaved off by his long-haired master.  I don’t recall the Blog posting where He Is Out! featured this humiliation, but it looks like a real turn-on.

Like many hard-ass bosses, he actually enjoys being mastered.

Like many hard-ass bosses, he actually enjoys being mastered.

This excellent blog also taught me to view some wrestlers in an appealing new light.  Triple H, for example, never did much for me as a bullying corporate dickhead, but He Is Out! keeps finding these rare moments where the Big Boss gets a beat-down.  In my 10/1/16 article, I blogged about another epic Triple H humiliation that  HIO! had featured.

Whether you win or lose, always pull the pretty-boy's hair.

Whether you win or lose, always pull the pretty-boy’s hair.

And it was He Is Out! who first introduced me to Vicente Viloni and his beautiful long mane in a 5/22/15 posting when his blog was still a baby.

My 6/10/15 article titled simply “Hair!” then praised Viloni and his pathetic suffering. I’m thankful to HIO! for finding and sharing these rare, undiscovered wonders.


Vic Caprri was at his best when he was tortured.

Vic Capri was at his best when he was tortured.

What I like best about He Is Out! is that the blogger gets off on the same wrestlers and the same style of sexy, erotic, humiliating pro wrestling that I do.

For example, he posted scenes from the famous Ace Steel vs. Vic Capri Iron Man match that I had written up way back in 2008 on my old website.  Many of our screen caps were identical, proving our similar tastes.

They're lubing his lips so he can kiss ass.

They’re lubing his lips so he can kiss ass.

So let me take a moment to say Thanks, Happy Birthday, and Congrats to my fellow blogger on his two-year Milestone.  I may not write about your great work as often as I should, but rest assured that I’m following your blog, checking out every post, and greatly enjoying it.


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