Tight Whitey

Dak-Meeks1I’ve been getting into a new (and impressive) Indy wrestling fed out of Kansas City called “National Wrasslin’ League.”  That’s actually how they spell the word “Wrestling” in their name and how they pronounce it: “Wrasslin‘.”  Every time I hear their pronunciation of the word “Wrasslin'”, I feel it twitch a little.

NWL posts their high-quality, well-produced episodes on their YouTube Channel weekly, with their first Kansas City champion crowned on this week’s Episode #14 which is the focus of today’s gallery.

Dak-Meeks2The NWL federation is chock full of hot looking, fit, talented studs in classic pro gear.  My favorite is the hard-body (above) in white trunks named Dak Draper.

His opponent is also stunning to behold — this ripped, broad-chested hunk named Blaine Meeks.  Wow the Indy scene is HOT in some cities!


This dick-head move is how Draper gained control.

This dick-head move is how Draper gained control.

I dig their gear, I dig their contrasting personalities (cocky show-off fucker vs. polite, nerdy Clark Kent).  I even dig how they both move about in the ring, smooth and poised like a couple of cats chasing and bounding gracefully over, under, and behind the living room furniture without ever stumbling or missing their marks.


Yeah -- SELL that agony, you beautiful lamb.

Yeah — SELL that agony, you beautiful lamb.

Meeks portrays the vulnerable victim, too innocent and naive to be prepared for Draper’s utter ruthlessness.  In a pre-match interview, Meeks said he felt like Draper (the evil roughneck who wants to destroy him) was his “friend.”   This is a bit of comedy — cleary Meeks can’t be THAT nerdy in spite of his coke-bottle spectacles.


Draper takes advantage of the ropes many, many times.

Draper takes advantage of the ropes many, many times.

Some fools in the audience taunt Dak Draper for the white trunks he prefers to wear.  They will chant “Tightie Whiteys!” or hold up huge XXL undies they snuck into the arena.  I find myself cringing, hoping their idiotic taunts don’t dissuade my Dak from proudly wearing those gorgeous white trunks forever.


Yet another naughty, nasty usage of the ropes!

Yet another naughty, nasty usage of the ropes!

Please Dak — don’t listen to those fat bums making fun of your awesome white gear.  You look fantastic — they’re just jealous of you.

Here Dak busts Meeks’ nuts by kicking the rope, at the exact moment his right nut is in the ring and his left nut is out.  Ha ha, buff Blaine is being sissified!


Good thing Meeks is built like a Superhero or THAT would've killed him!

Good thing Meeks is built like a Superhero or THAT would’ve killed him!

The cruelest move in the match was probably Draper’s neck-busting Power-Bomb on the ring apron, which every Wrasslin’ fan knows is the most solid and dangerous part of the ring.  Meeks sells it beautifully, sprawling out on the floor and offering his hard body to us like a slut in a whorehouse window.


This Battle of the Bods rages on for nearly 30 minutes!   And based on my images, it may seem they slept on us, laying down to rest the entire time.  But truthfully, these two work-horses brought non-stop energy, aggression, devastation, and enthusiastic selling nearly the entire time.  (I just get off on snapping images of them in the moments they’re down and looking their most vulnerable.)

If you love great Wrasslin’, you’ll love this match.  If you love hunks in trunks, you will love this match.  If you’re a bulge-watcher or into rough punishment or inter-racial kink…  It has something for everyone.


Draper usee this sweet bone-buster once on his arm and later on his leg.

Draper uses this sweet bone-buster once on the arm and later on the leg.

I am impressed by this NWL league so far — their talent, their production quality, their sexy style of Wrasslin’. (Twitch.)   You Kansas City people are lucky.


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