Carefully Chosen Ring Attire

StrikerOrange1Yes, Matt Striker appeared on this week’s episode of West Coast Wrestling Connection, and yes, he wore another awesome pair of colorful bulging trunks — this time in bright orange.

His opponent was named Darin Corbin or something, but he was wearing psychedelic bike shorts so I barely paid attention to him.

Striker holds our attention once again.

Striker holds our attention once again.

Based on comments posted under this YouTube video, I can see I’m not the only viewer enthralled by Striker’s gear choices.  For example:

I only watch Matt Striker’s matches for the athleticism. I swear….honest. blush

StrikerOrange4StrikerOrange6And here is a comment one of my loyal readers posted the last time I recapped a Striker fashion show (which inspired the title of this week’s article):

I do the same thing when they post a video, look to see if he’s on the card and then search for his match. I am always delightfully amazed at what Striker is wearing.

His trunks have always been awesome (except for that period with the long shorts) but now that he has joined this organization they seem even better. 


StrikerOrange7“I mean he is putting it all out there for us to see and the way his junk bounces and jiggles in those trunks leads me to believe that he is wearing nothing under them…and I for one am grateful.  He is a hot man with a great body and I appreciate his carefully chosen ring attire.

After dominating the early moments of the match and gaining the support of the audience, Striker is soon at a disadvantage as Corbin takes control of him and his orange speedo.  Striker seems to be playing the Good Guy these days, which is fine because he sure has enough pairs of Baby-Facey trunks in his collection to dress the part.


Striker strikes at his victim's vulnerable heart.

Striker strikes at his victim’s vulnerable heart.

Striker has mastered an unusual and powerful new attack move known as the “Heart Strike” — which makes me like him even more. He jams the palm of his hand into the other man’s sternum to cause the dude’s heart to skip a beat.  This stuns the man long enough for Striker to straddle his head under that heavy package.

StrikerOrange9Before Striker can Pile-Drive the chump, the wrestler known as Gallo attacks our orange-clad hero!  Hell yeah, Gallo!  He’s the thick, 1970’s style Heel that I referred to as Da Crusher a few weeks ago.

OH how I hope these two trunk-clad daddies start a long feud!  Nice booking by the WCWC promoters: the fan favorite in his rainbow of pretty trunks perhaps past his prime — suffering endless abuse from the hyper-masculine Uber-Brute!  I HOPE this happens.

StrikerOrange10StrikerOrange11Allow me to apologize to readers who don’t get the appeal of trunks, or who are tired of looking at Striker’s meaty, tan physique on display so often.  I can’t help it, I’m obsessed right now.

Years ago (after Striker had switched to wearing board shorts), I regretted that I hadn’t written about him and his “carefully chosen ring attire” more often when I had the chance, so I’m not missing the opportunity again this time around.


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