Lightning Strikes


Totally crude and disrespectful -- how humiliating!

Totally crude and disrespectful — how humiliating!

This squash match appeared on this week’s episode of “Wednesday Night Wrestling” posted to the Fight Nation! YouTube channel.  Not long into the bout, the skinhead Heel in the tight jeans — Paul Robinson — spits in his opponent’s face to defile and emasculate him.

The submissive kid with the moppy hair and headband is a rookie named Lightning Lewis.  This match is taking place in Britain, and you know the Brit Pro fans get off on seeing their young lads utterly tortured, so it’s going to be a rough night for Lightning.






HEY! That's illegal -- and totally disgusting (in a hot way.)

HEY! That’s illegal — and totally disgusting (in a hot way.)

This Paul Robinson with his taped up forearms, buff physique, and thick silver chain is a pure pleasure to watch.  What a twisted little Heel — check him out leaning in to bite the ear of his handsome young victim.

I hate bullies, don’t get me wrong.  But there is something very compelling about this rough, tough kid from the wrong side of the tracks getting to have his sadistic way with the cute, fresh-faced lad who perhaps wore a crisp white shirt and tie when he attended some snobby prep school.

lightning4lightning3As much as I love trunks and boots, tight jeans and soccer shoes work well on the right Heel like this vicious Robinson dude.

His look sends the message that this toughie is working class — that he grew up hard-scrabble and down trodden so he just doesn’t give a fuck who he hurts now.


Damn it! He's not a pork pie!

Damn it! He’s not a pork pie!

Again we see Robinson open wide and lean in to maul the cutie.  I enjoy seeing Robinson pause for a moment several times in the match, posing and smiling like maybe they’re going to be buddies and make nice.

But then he bares his teeth and leans in to inflict a painful punishment.  We get the sense that he likes it rough — that he would alternate between tenderness and torture unpredictably, which can be a thrill.


In their pre-match interviews, here was Paul Robinson’s prediction for this bout:  “I’m gonna destroy him.  I’m gonna make him my bitch, and I’m gonna tear him a new one.”  So far, that is a very accurate conjecture.


Oh Robinson -- I knew I liked you, but now it's more than that.

Oh Robinson — I knew I liked you, but now it’s much more than that.

The Heel traps his boy-toy in the corner, jeans to chest.  Then he tries to gouge out his eyes, with the commentators questioning whether he is going to blind the poor rookie.  The ref is, of course, wonderfully inadequate at protecting helpless Lightning Lewis.

Then Robinson bumps and grinds against his victim, using him like a sex toy, and we get the sense he is deflowering the innocent rookie, besmirching and desecrating him right before our eyes.

The commentators describe this lewd act as “un-sportsman-like” but bad boy Robinson can’t help it if it turns him on.



That hard impact moved the ring over 5 centimeters!

That hard impact moved the ring over 5 centimeters!

The rookie is then Irish-whipped across the ring to crash painfully into the opposite corner, his spine apparently damaged on impact. UGGHNNN, exclaims the rookie.

Look how beautifully Lewis sells his pain, curling over and hooking his arms over the top rope.  He seems to be very well-trained for a beginner.  I think this Lightning Lewis has a great career ahead of him — as a ever suffering Baby-Face.  Especially if he maintains that fragile-looking physique, and moppy-floppy hair.





He is literally walking all over this kid!

He is literally walking all over this kid!

Both these guys are so well-cast and perfect in their roles, which really added to my enjoyment of the match. Lightning Lewis is so earnest and eager with his red knee-socks and lightning bolt on the back of his trunks.  He would never dream of bending a rule or breaking a promise.

Then we have the rough, tough Heel with his thick neckless and working-class jeans, standing on the kid’s ribs with his leather sport shoes.  Robinson is well aware that he is not as beloved and handsome as young Lightning Lewis so every disgusting act he inflicts is an arousing outrage to the audience.  So he pokes them all in the eye by biting, stomping, spitting, and even ball-busting their beloved young up-and-comer (see below…)


And Lightning has just lost his power.

And Lightning has just lost his power.

Sure enough, Robinson inflicts the one dirty, disgusting, sexually-explicit move he’d forgotten — the dreaded Ball Thwacker.  This drains young Lewis of his masculinity, totally emasculating him and leaving him at the cruel skinhead’s mercy.

Before driving that forearm up into Lewis’s nether-regions, the veteran had cleverly distracted the gullible official, pointing at an imagined pink elephant or something at the back of the hall.


Somehow I knew Robinson would finish him off with a kick or stomp.

Somehow I knew Robinson would finish him off with a kick or stomp.

A driving Curb Stomp utterly stuns Lewis once and for all, and justice does NOT prevail.  The cheating brute unleashed a devious one-sided beat-down on the eager young hopeful.

I hope this cruel whipping does not prevent young Lewis from wanting to get in the ring and suffer for us some more.  One thing I know for certain — I know I’ll be visiting the Fight Nation! YouTube Channel on Wednesday nights much more often, hoping to find a lot more fun rasslin like this.



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