Rando Rasslin Rumination

lickedHere are some random images and animations that caught my eye in recent weeks as I wandered around the cyber-sphere.  There is no real theme or thread here, other than I saw these and said to myself: Hey that’s hot — I want to share that with my loyal readers.

For example, here we see some cute Baby-Face in the clutches of a sadistic villain.  To further humiliate his prey, the kinky freak LICKS the pretty-boy’s face.  Can we all agree now that pro wrestling squashes allude to sexual assault?



So pro wrestling is REAL after all?!?

The appeal of the Pile-Driver is the brutal heartlessness of the move.  If the Heel is willing to inflict that degree of cruel punishment with no concern for his opponent, well he must be a Bad Boy (and everyone loves a Bad Boy.)  The gimmick now-a-days is to improve the move — as if it weren’t deadly and dangerous enough already.  This variation is ruthless!


Sheik really REALLY enjoys Camel Clutches.

Sheik really REALLY enjoys Camel Clutches.

When the Sheik applied his infamous Camel Clutch, he’d roll his eyes back and drool all over himself.  The commentators would tell us: “He is in some sort of trance.  This young man is in trouble as the Sheik seems to be on another planet right now!

Years later, it occurred to me that maybe this was meant to be his “O” Face — that the Sheik was in an orgiastic state as he poured on the pressure.  That inspired all sorts of inappropriate thoughts…


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