The Boot Lick Search


One of my loyal readers recently emailed me with the following request:

“Years ago, I sent you a picture where a wrestling fan licked a heel’s boot. Do you still have that picture tucked away some where…  I thought I had seen it on your old wrestling arsenal main page from about 8 years ago.”

Well I truly cannot recall the specific image he is asking about. I burn through so many hot wrestling images in a week, it’s sometimes hard to recall a specific one. It definitely sounds like something I’d post here (I love the boots!), but it’s just not ringing any bells in my memory banks…

I try to provide good customer service here on the Wrestling Arsenal and satisfy my loyal readers when I can, so I went searching for this boot-lick photo that my loyal reader is asking about. I used my trusty search bar over in the right margin (did you realize I have a search option over there??), looking for the words “fan” and “lick” and “boot” — and I found lots of hot old galleries in my archives, but not the specific photo featuring some kinky fan kissing his favorite Heel’s boot…


Do any of you other loyal readers recall a fan boot lick image that I might’ve posted here years ago?

Can you provide any details or, better yet, a link to the elusive photo?

I then continued the search in my “Media Library” which is a nice feature available in a WordPress blog. It’s essentially a database of every image I’ve posted in the history of this blog. And the database has a search bar!

So I entered the word “lick” in the search bar and it popped up 28 images where I’ve used the word “lick” in the filename. Several of the hotter “lick” images that I found in my Library are posted above, especially ones that involve boot licking.


Then just to be safe, I also entered the word “kiss” in my Media Library’s search bar (just in case I had interpreted the image in question as a boot “kiss” instead of a boot “lick.”) The “kiss” search brought up 47 images involving kissing — including the kissing of boots. But still not the specific image my fan is seeking.

Do it, bitch! Kiss it, if you know what’s good for you.
Do you realize you’re no longer a Man when you did that? kissit2.gif

By this point in my search, I had seen so many hot licking and kissing photos from my archives that I was getting pretty turned on. I might not have found the one specific image my loyal reader is interested in, but I sure found plenty of other hot images to interest me.

So I decided to break one of my policies here on the Wrestling Arsenal: never to re-post old images I’ve already posted before. I decided to post a gallery of old boot-lick and kiss images from my Library for your viewing pleasure. They’re just too hot and sexy to post only once, I feel.


Some of these images you might recall seeing before, some may be new to you. Some were posted only recently, and some might go as far back as 2011 when I started this Blog. I believe that re-packaging them in a single gallery focused only on boot licking and kissing gives them new life and context — kind of like an Andy Warhol poster.

Kiss that boot and I’ll allow you to breathe again.

Davey Richards seems to get into kissing his opponents’ boots — especially Tyler Black’s boots. He must have a desire to be mastered and dominated by a stronger male authority figure.


Wait — what was I supposed to be searching for again??

Posted in Boots & Stomps | 3 Comments