I recently wrote an article where I mentioned a group on Reddit called r/fightporn. As I mentioned in that article, the content posted there doesn’t really appeal to me in the same way wrestling does.
So today I want to introduce you to a much more entertaining Reddit group that I think you’ll enjoy called r/WrestleWithThePackage. It’s yet another great source of hot wrestle-porn images, mostly from WWE and the Indy federations — not much that I’m seeing is from the Underground sites. All of the images in today’s gallery were posted to this Reddit group in the past week.
There is plenty of focus on dudes’ trunk bulges. It makes sense — it is called “Wrestle With The Package” after all…
So if you enjoy my Trunks Appreciation Society galleries, I think you will like this reddit group. There is lots of Eye-Candy posing in pro gear.
One series of animations I enjoyed seeing on r/WrestleWithThePackage was this excellent moment from TNT Explosion: Bran is lording his dominance over a suffering Eli Drake. The reddit post includes an excellent caption equating wrestling with fucking: “When you look into your man’s eyes as you make him cum“:
I actually recognize this moment. I blogged about this same match back in 2015 — see my article “Familiar Face” for more Bran > Eli images. It’s a pretty darn sexy match. Below is my animation of this same post-match trask-talk/ cum/suffering scene that someone on Reddit apparently also enjoyed: