Cradle to Grave

Cesaro uses this strange hold where he lifts the opponent into Pile Driver position with his hands locked together over the victim’s crotch.  I recently came across these nice GIF animations showing him applying this emasculating maneuver.

He could lift the guy around the waist, or just pull up his hips to raise him, but no, kinky Cesaro decides to reach down between the man’s thighs to cradle the ballsack and taint.  Is that really necessary, or is he just teasing us?

Check out Cesaro’s big grin as he dominates the other man’s crotch.  The obvious homo-erotic vibe of this maneuver comes from the placement of the hands, locked tightly over the victim’s penis.  Talk about controlling your opponent!

They call this move the “Gotch Style Neutralizer” — what a strange name.  Did legendary wrestler Frank Gotch actually create this move??  Some believe the name was chosen to rhyme with “Crotch” style neutralizer — a reference to emasculation.

Below is a short clip of Cesaro neutralizing Alex Riley with this innovative Body-Slam.  Several of the people who posted comments under the YouTube video clip picked up on the sexual undertones of the scene:  “Did he grab riley’s crotch?” / “He just slams them cock first into the mat. Talk about brutal.

Just as this move emphasizes the emasculation and sexual submissiveness of the victim, it also depicts Cesaro’s power and potency. Here is Cesaro grabbing cock to destroy another victim with this very strange move.  This time, instead of looking out from the side of the other man’s leg, he raises that package right up near his face to grin at us from between the man’s thighs.

After holding him up and showing him off for a while, the next step is for Cesaro to fall forward and smash him underneath.  I suppose the impact is what stuns the victim, with his face, stomach, and especially dick (where our attention was drawn earlier by the suggestive placement of Cesaro’s groping hands) all crashing down under Cesaro’s added body weight.

The final step in the “Gotch Style Neutralizer” is to simply hook a leg and pin the helpless weakling to verify your dominance.  The dazed opponent sells his impotence — demonstrating that his “Gotch” has now been fully “Neutralized” — by obediently allowing himself to be pinned, his bulge fully revealed and on blatant display as a clear sign of his sexual submissiveness.

One interesting aspect of this move is the restraint shown by powerful Cesaro in not hurting his vulnerable victim even worse.  He could, after all, drop to his knees for a Spike-Piledriver, but instead allows his helpless play-thing to smash face-first onto the mat.  It’s as if he’s saying: “You all know I could REALLY hurt this punk if I wanted to.  But I know another, sexier way to over-power and defeat him.

I blogged about Cesaro using this move to neutralize Justin Gabriel back on 6/11/13.  Another fan of this suggestive manuever posted a video on YouTube of the same scene: Justin being flattened under Cesaro followed by a cruel and unusual bitch-slap across the pretty-boy’s face.  You can check out that video clip below…

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