In Which BRO Witnesses a One-Sided Military Defeat

I imagine my buddy BRO felt his heart skip a beat or two when one of his favorite Suffering Baby-Faces — Steve Cutler — entered the ring at a recent house show. BRO nearly wore out his camera battery before the match began, snapping photos of Cutler’s taut chest, tight-ass trunks, and sculpted back.

BRO has captured images of Cutler in agony previously, and hopefully today’s gallery will be just as satisfying.  Cutler is proud of his service as a Marine, now wearing military insignia emblazoned on his trunks.  His inevitable suffering will seem even more humiliating given that he is an American hero.

Cutler’s opponent in the blue trunks is a Frenchman named “Marcus Louis.”  What a body on this power-house — he is just shredded and hard everywhere.

Historically, the French have not had the best luck with their military and are not seen as an aggressive super-power.  Many viewers of this match will naturally expect Lance Corporal Cutler to assume the dominant role over this truffle-eating Frenchie.  Many such viewers are about to be outraged by Cutler’s humiliating beat-down…

The audience is pleased to see the heroic Marine take an early leadership role, showing us that he keeps up with his calisthenics (nice bicep!) and knows how to handle himself in a combat situation.

Cutler has been treated as a Whipping Boy and Muscle Jobber in most of his previous matches, so it’s refreshing to see a little offense from him.  Just a little, though.

But before long, the French muscle-man assumes control over our ever-suffering Marine.  Louis bends our hero over with an Armbar, putting his ass and his military logo on display in a degrading pose.

Cutler sells beautifully as usual — he seems to be getting better and better at demonstrating his weakness and ineptitude given how often stronger men have walked over him and tossed him around like a ragdoll.  BRO is getting better and better with his camera as well, capturing some gorgeous shots of the suffering Marine, like this one of him trying to take refuge in the corner.  Here is how BRO described the scene: “Sexy Steve Cutler in trouble as Marcus Louis continues his onslaught...”

This is not supposed to be happening!  Mighty American military heroes are not supposed to be helpless on their backs as a Frenchman — a fuckin FRENCHMAN! — repeatedly drives in his knee.  BRO’s caption for this shot was: “Still working the arm, as Steve Cutler tries to defend against Marcus Louis and his vicious attack…”

His bright golden military insignia are just not enough to protect Cutler from his relentless and powerful French adversary.  Here is how our eye-witness described this breath-control torture scene:

“Marcus Louis controls the pace of the match as well as ramping up the punishment of Steve Cutler… Great bodies on both Cutler and Louis… Steve Cutler panics as his air supply dwindles… Marcus Louis keeps the pressure on… Can’t get enough of Marcus Louis punishing Steve Cutler… looks at the muscles where their arms intertwine!”

As usual, Steve Cutler finds himself staring up at the lights as he is finished off by a more powerful enemy.  Maybe he should go back to Basic Training — no, actually I hope he continues being assaulted every week while BRO is at ringside to faithfully capture every exquisite moment.

Marcus Louis kneels over the fallen Marine in victory, flexing his muscles and staring directly, threateningly, at my buddy BRO like he wants to hurt him or fuck him or something.  Maybe he doesn’t like it when fans snap dozens of pictures of him and stare at his exposed body with drool practically running down their chins and their eyes popping right out of their heads.  Hey Frenchie — my pal BRO here is not a spoil of war, some kind of prize you’ve won by defeating that Marine!  Don’t you dare lay a finger on my BRO!

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