Year of the Gator, 2 of 2

Last week, I wrote a description of Justin Gabriel’s recent beat-down by big, beautiful Titus O’Neill on the 12/25/14 episode of Superstars.  That pairing turned out to be so entertaining to watch that the promoters signed up Justin Gabriel for more Titus torture on the 12/30/14 episode of Main Event, also available on the WWE Network.

In their previous match, Justin Gabriel entered the ring after Titus, which is generally the privilege of the dominant Alpha Male.  Sadly for poor Justin, he has now apparently been demoted to Total Jobber status because the episode begins with him already waiting in the ring as Titus makes a grand and boastful entrance (a sure sign that Justin is about to have his ass handed to him…)

Titus played college football for the Florida Gators, so he has adopted “Gator” as his nickname.  On his way to the ring, Titus tells us that a Gator doesn’t bark, but it will damn sure bite. Is he threatening to take a bite out of his little boy-toy, Justin Gabriel?

I dig the contrast between these two wrestlers — O’Neill is so damn big, dark, muscley, and dominant, while cute, hairy Justin is adorable and submissive when O’Neill gropes him all over with those huge hands and grips his bearded face like a football in that punishing Chinlock.

O’Neill has an impressive collection of wrestling trunks, all of them extra large and stretchy to contain his massive proportions.  Of all his gear, the red pair which he wore for this match is my favorite. Red looks brilliant on his dark skin.

After Gabriel stunned O’Neill with some wild, flippy move, he hooked a gigantic tree-trunk leg and tried to pin the Gator, offering us a nice view of those red briefs before the big man kicked out and resumed his well-deserved domination.

We saw O’Neill use this devastating three-in-a-row Backbreaker series in their previous match.  Thousands of WWE Network members must have rewound and re-viewed this strength display so that Titus knew to repeat the same series in this match.

He so easily lifts and carries poor Justin like he’s carrying a sleeping child off to bed.  Then – CRACK! – he drops his victim in the long leg-bone tights across a bent knee, easily scoops him up again, and then – SNAP!! – drops him again across that knee.  Oh yeah Mr. O’Neill, you’ve got my full attention now, Sir!

I love it when another wrestling fan gets inside my head, reads my thoughts, and says the same thing I was thinking.  For example, after I recapped the December 25th match (also a one-sided beat-down) between Titus and Justin, one of my readers posted the following response:

“I really miss the days when Justin Gabriel wore his tiny trunks, putting even more of that yummy body on display. I will say, however, that I am loving that new forest of chest hair he’s sporting. Woof! I could watch him get manhandled by Titus O’Neill everyday and never get tired of it.”

My sentiments exactly.

Justin is easily over-powered and defeated by this brute yet again, so why do the promoters keep putting poor Jay-Gay in the ring with O’Neill repeatedly just to make him suffer??

This is the same sort of sadistic torture inflicted on classic jobbers back in the 1980s — when poor Tommy Angel for example had to absorb punishment from Arn Anderson repeatedly week after week, constantly getting his arm just about torn off as we all watched and swooned.

I hope they do the same thing with Gabriel — allowing the “Gator” to maul him several more times at least during 2015.  Somehow one-sided dominance is even more fun to watch when it’s the same brute defeating the same hapless jobber week after week.  It’s as if the two develop a relationship — both soon becoming comfortable in their respective roles.

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